Category: Video

The Village of Northfield appoints three full-time Full-Time Firefighter/Paramedics (Video)

Fire Chief Jason Buss swore three full time Firefighter/Paramedics in this past week: Christian Bobak, Paul Wojtkiewicz, and Sean Davis

Jabbering With Julie – New Ice Cream Place Coming to Town and more local news and info 5-22-22 (Audio and Video)

Hey local businesses! Are you looking for many ways to get the word out? Ask about our Super Summer Special! 🌞🌞🌞 The next advertiser that...

Jabbering With Julie – Info about us and win an Achieve Nutrition Gift Card (Audio and Video)

Our website: Subscribe to our weekly email newsletter: Contact us if you have a TIP, interested in being a writer or advertiser. Call to get...

Jabbering With Julie 5-8-2022 New Restaurant Coming to Town (Audio and Video)

For more local news go to:  

Jabbering With Julie – Sneak peek – New Italian Restaurant Coming to Nordonia 5-1-22 (Video)

Mulch Madness Fundraiser Mulch Madness is Happening Now! We still have spots available for the community to purchase mulch, have the athletes spread it...

New Italian Restaurant Opening, Aladdin’s and 5 Guys Coming to Town? and more – Recorded 4-10-22 (Video)

By Julie D'Aloiso Quick update about some restaurants in the Nordonia area Northfield Center Safety and Administration Building Groundbreaking  

IHOP, Wayback Burger Burlington News and more – Recorded 4-6-22 (Video)

Goodbye Pizza Hut Hello IHOP T'Cakes Cupcakes and Cookies - Jackson Comfort Roseland Lanes !2 Chairs and Cleveland Ballet Ukrain Fundraiser How to Get...

How to Get Rid of Ghosts in Your Home and more – Spiritual Wisdom With Mary Jane – Episode 3 (Audio and Video)

Mary Jane and Julie talk about ghosts. Who and what are they?  How do you rid of them? Are they dangerous? Mary Jane Brigger is...

Jabbering With Julie – Lots of Local News and Information 3-27-22 (Audio and Video)

School Board Meeting Vendors Needed for an event: Once Upon a Mattress Nordonia Play April 8, 9 and 10th!: Macedonia Construction Projects: School Board...

Jabbering With Julie 3-20-22 Lots of local news in the Nordonia Area (Audio and Video)

Julie talks about: - the transformer fire from this past week - an apartment for rent - some Easter events: Kids Easter Egg Hunt Adult Easter Egg Hunt...

Jabbering With Julie 3-6-22 The best Shamrock drink in town, a special deal for fans and more (Audio and Video)

Video podcast with Mary Jan Brigger: Here is image for the fan deal: Order food here: BRB Lawn Care Forgot to thank CJ at...

What is the Law of Attraction? – Spiritual Wisdom With Mary Jane – Episode 2 (Audio and Video)

Mary Jane and Julie D. discuss the law of attraction and how it works! Here are products and references discussed in the show: Mary Jane on...

From Johnny at the A Merry Little Tree Lot

The Merry Little Tree Lot is officially open for the 2024 season!! Come by & take a look at our selection. We have Scotch...

Podcasting Unplugged: Everything You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know (VIDEO)

Julie talks with Joshua about all the steps to producing a podcast: Planning Producing Promotion Fuzzy Things in the Corner of the Kitchen Podcast  Affiliate Links: Descript...

Journey from Trauma to Triumph | Author of Dictionary of Missing Time

Susan Eileen joins us to unravel the complex tapestry of addiction, mental health, and the path to recovery. As a recovery advocate and author...

Julie is Confused About Lebanon Baloney

In this video, Julie tries Lebanon Baloney for the first time and compares it to classic Salami. At first glance, they look identical, but...

Jabbering With Julie – No Borders Now