Cats named Katie and Pearl needs Adopting


Katie is gentle but loves to play. She is very attached to her mother Pearl who is listed. She has been fully vetted, spayed, dewormed, deflead, felv/fiv/hw negative, leukemia, fvrcp, rabies vaccinated. She is to be adopted with her mother Pearl. Birthday approximately 4-2019. Adoption fee is $65 Contact Laurene at 216-832-1106 or Please provide phone number in email No texts please.

Pearl has a 3 inch tail that the vet identified as a trait of a manx. She is NOT a bred cat and not guaranteed to be “BRED MANX”. She has been fully vetted, spayed, dewormed, deflead, felv/fiv/hw negative, leukemia, fvrcp, rabies vaccinated. She is to be adopted with her daughter Katie who is very attached to her. Adoption fee is $75. Birthday approximate 4-2015 Contact Laurene at 216-832-1106 or Please provide phone number in email No texts please.

Click here for more information about Katie

Click here for more information about Pearl

Laurene Neval

Jennie’s Gems

Adopt from your own backyard

Or Rescuer-Never use a breeder


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