Chamber Chatter 9-1-17

It’s September so it’s time for the State of the Communities Luncheon.  Join other Nordonia Hills business people on Thursday, Sept. 14 at 11:30 at Vista Springs Living (8400 S. Bedford, Macedonia) to hear representatives from our 4 communities “brag” about their community.  There are a lot of exciting things happening right now.  Let’s hear the details from our fearless leaders.  Plus, if you haven’t yet had the pleasure, this is your opportunity to tour this beautiful facility. Admission is $15 for chamber members, $20 for all others.  Lunch is included.  Please RSVP to 330-467-8956.

The next Chamber Connect (Home-Based Business Group) will meet on Sept. 20 at 9:00 am in the Chamber Office.  About 17 area business people gathered last month to network and hear a presentation on how to make your small business look big!  Thank you Panda Promotions for letting us in on your secrets.  This month, the presentation will center on tax and accounting issues.  Who needs to pay workers’ comp?  Unemployment?  What records will you need to do your annual taxes?  Is that new coffee pot tax-deductible as a business expense?  We hope to answer all thee questions and more.  If you have a home-based business, join us on Sept. 20.  Make new contacts, share best practices and find business resources in your own neighborhood. The NHCOC Chamber Connect is designed to be a network of like-minded entrepreneurs making your life easier and your business more profitable.  For more information, call the Chamber Office at 330-467-8956.

Have you checked out the NHCOC Women in Business Group?  Their mission is to provide an accepting, safe, supportive and encouraging environment where women in business can share and grow personally and professionally.   Our topic this year is “12 Things Successful Women Do Differently”.  For September our sub-topic is “They make sure to schedule alone time.”  Can you identify?  Do you need to be a part of our discussion?  Come next Tuesday and check us out.  We meet every Tuesday morning – 9am-10am at Chick-fil-A Macedonia – 8213 Golden Link Blvd., Macedonia, OH  44056.  Join us we support, celebrate and network.

This Chamber of Commerce isn’t just about networking.  We can also save you money each month on business necessities.  Come to our Member Education Forum to learn how to save money on office supplies, postage, phone systems and energy (bring your electric & gas bill).  We’ll have representatives there to walk you through the actual process needed to begin saving.  This event takes place on Sept. 21.  Choose between the 1:00 and 6:30 “classes”.  All Benefit Forums will be hosted by Northfield HealthMarkets – Nancy Zajac, 330-908-0200; 10512 Northfield Rd., Suite 4, Northfield, OH  44067.  Please RSVP to 330-467-8956.

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