Chamber Chatter with Laura: 7+ Must-make COVID Content Changes for Improved Engagement


It’s been a difficult year for sure.  We’ve gone from being quarantined 24/7 to “go out only when necessary” to “just wear a mask and avoid crowds”.  Then add the anxiety of determining how to make social distancing and masks work in your business!  Are you home schooling as well?  Let’s just add that to the list!

During this time, I’ve read many articles that I believe will be useful to our members and area businesses.  I’m restarting my blog so that I can share them with you.  There’s no reason to reinvent the wheel if someone else has already done it!  Let’s learn from each other and we’ll all come out on the other side wiser and stronger.

Our lives and our businesses have changed a lot during the time of COVID. We have changed how we reach customers and likely how they buy from us. Some of us have had to shut down.

During this time, your website should be one of your strongest sales tools. Just as your business has changed, your content should have evolved as well. Are you doing these things to help remain viable in these challenging times?

If you want more customers to connect with you, you need to concentrate on content. Websites as electronic brochures are no longer working to get attention. You want dynamic content full of value and embracing the types of topics and emotions people can relate to.

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