City of Macedonia Council Meeting 3-14-19 Highlights (VIDEO)

By Julie D’Aloiso

You can see the entire meeting video here:

Council Clerk Josephine Arceci was presented with a proclamation because of her 30 years of service.

This is our first chance to see the newly appointed Finance Director John M. Veres in his spot at the council meetings (see related article here).

A Resolution of Appreciation was read for Firefighter/Paramedic Karen Christ who is retiring after 29 years of service.

Guadalupe Retention Basin – The trees were removed to make way for the Retention Basin that will be constructed on the property behind the Out Guadalupe Church on Shepard Rd. This is funded with a NEORSD Grant. This will help with the stormwater flow in that area.

Quote above Macedonia City Council:
“There’s a new spirit in Macedonia, we must not let it die, we must justify it, nurture it, stimulate it and encourage it.” 
Colonel William Frew Long – Mayor of Macedonia, 1962-1976

Mayor Nick Molnar explains the quote in a video here:

The Spirit of Macedonia Fun Fest will be held June 6th – June 9th.

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