“Cleveland Sports Show” Zoom Special: The Return of Sports (VIDEO)


By Darayus Sethna

This week, I discuss how some of the world’s most renowned sports leagues will be returning to action amid the Coronavirus Pandemic. I also analyze a few of the teams who will be competing at the NBA restart in Orlando, Florida! The Browns are also a topic of conversation in today’s Zoom special as well!

* Who am I? – Host of the Cleveland Sports Show on NordoniaHills.News and Cleveland Cavaliers Analyst on WAKR’s Center Court. Goal for the future is to be a broadcaster for the Celtics on NBC Sports Boston. Keep up with the two shows each week! * Access other episodes of the “Cleveland Sports Show” and “Center Court” Here: – https://twitter.com/NordoniaSportshttps://open.spotify.com/show/0OQQ6Nu…https://darayus.news/ https://soundcloud.com/clesportsshow