Coming Together… More Than 6ft. Apart

By Deserea Reville

Well, here we are. In the depth of a pandemic, with every school in the country shut down. Several states are under mandatory “Stay-at-Home / Shelter-in-Place” order and we’re all scrubbing our hands raw, disinfecting everything imaginable – trying to fight this invisible enemy.

Through these new challenges of constantly dissuading contamination, having to all of a sudden homeschool our children, work from home (if you still have a job), navigate the unemployment world for millions who have lost their jobs, risk becoming sick just trying to buy basics (and the coveted toilet paper if you’re lucky), having to isolate for the unforeseeable future, and those long exposed days for the unsung essential heroes who are holding up this country on their shoulders…all while we’re washing our hands for 20 whole seconds while never touching our face (who knew that was so hard) – some really beautiful things have come out of this; people seeking joy and sharing hope through the mess of these long Covid-19 isolated days.

Many communities are rallying together and coming up with some really beautiful and creative ways on how to stay connected (while still adhering to the federally mandated 6 feet apart)… and our very own Charter Lakes Estates (CLE) in Northfield, Ohio is one of them.

CLE has created “Funday Fridays” and plans to involve the entire community (should you choose to participate) to brighten the days and have a little fun. This Friday was “Charter Lakes Estates Safari”! They invited each home to put a stuffed animal, picture or statue in their yard, with a fun fact to go along with it. Let me tell you, as a mom new to this whole “homeschooling” thing, I appreciated this hybrid “physical education / zoology” opportunity for my kids to get out for a walk, WHILE learning! Thanks CLE!

So, let’s embrace this time! It is (hopefully) a once in a lifetime experience. Many are deepening into their faith, reevaluating priorities, and appreciating some of the most simple things in life that we once (like a few weeks ago) took for granted (eh hum, toilet paper and hugs)!

Thanks CLE for brightening our days (and teaching kids along the way)! So, here’s a challenge – what can YOU do to brighten someone’s day? It’s really the little things that can make the biggest impact in someone’s life.


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