Community is Invited to DNA at the High School! (video)

DNA Day is celebrated each year in April by schools and organizations nationwide. We intend on participating in DNA Day at Nordonia High School by organizing classroom activities for Biology, Honors Biology, AP Biology, and Forensics student as well as school-wide activities for the rest of the student body. Nationally, DNA Day is organized by the National Human Genome Research Institute to celebrate Watson and Crick’s discovery of the structure of DNA and to educate students on the current impact and future of science and society following this discovery. On April 20th all life science students will be exposed to activities, contests, and guest speakers during their class periods. The remainder of the student body will have the opportunity to participate in a DNA Day social media contests throughout the day. For more DNA information, visit

DNA Day activities are funded by Nordonia Schools Foundation.

In the video below, Biology Teacher Aaron Coleman talks about DNA Day.

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Video by high school student Matthew Simonitis. He is currently a student at Nordonia High School and a member of the Digital Journalism and Sports Broadcasting Club

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