County Executive highlights Recovery Friendly Workplaces, fresh start in the new year

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—County Executive Shapiro urges residents looking to start both their  career path and life path with a fresh start to seek out employers designated as Recovery Friendly  Workplaces. These employers made a commitment to recognize recovery from substance use  disorder as a strength and to work intentionally with people in recovery.

Recovery-friendly programs and policies aim to improve employee health and productivity and  reduce the high costs of substance misuse in the workplace. To do this, Executive Shapiro and the  other RFW designees focus to reduce the stigma which often prevents employees, residents, or their  loved ones from getting the help they need.

To earn the designation, organization’s leadership attend a training orientation with SCPH officials,  send a letter of commitment to be a Recovery Friendly Workplace to all staff and new hires, and post  community recovery resources in all workplaces. SCPH officials work with employers to find new  solutions, too. Potential policies include offering health benefit packages that include substance  misuses supports, hosting alcohol-free work activities, or developing a return-to-work policy for  employees who seek treatment.

Over 70% of fatal opioid overdoses occur in working-aged adults. 1 in 12 workers suffer from an  untreated substance use disorder. In the US, only 1 in 10 people with a substance use disorder  obtain treatment, either because of lack of resources or the stigma of addiction. The annual  economic impact of substance misuse is estimated to be $249 billion dollars for alcohol misuse and  $193 billion for illicit drug use. By supporting employees in recovery from substance use disorder,  employers can save an average of $8,500 per employee per year.

“This initiative leans into a much more understanding, compassionate approach that is beneficial to  current or future employees in recovery, as well as employers,” said Executive Shapiro. “Even if you  do not live with a substance use disorder, everyone can benefit from a workplace culture that  vigorously supports employee health and wellness. I encourage our Summit County businesses,  nonprofits, and other organizations to look into becoming designated Recovery Friendly in the New  Year.”

The Recovery Friendly Workplaces in Summit County include:

– Earthquaker Devices


– Summit Artspace

– Tyler’s Redemption Place

– United Way of Summit & Medina  – Summit Recovery Hub

– JoAnna House II & Outreach Center  – Summit County Public Health  – Choices

– Compass North Church

– Summit County Executive Ilene  Shapiro’s OƯice

– Access Shelter

– ARC Recovery Services

– Summa Health

– Akron-Summit County Public Library  – Goodwill

– IBH Addiction Recovery

– County of Summit ADM Board  – HRKyle

All RFWSC members can be found at

Employers interested in the Recovery Friendly Workplace designation can visit to learn more about how to participate.

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