County Executive Shapiro announces the Dog Days of Summer Adoption Event

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—County Executive Ilene Shapiro is announcing the Dog Days of Summer Adoption Event from July 1 to July 30 during which residents are encouraged to consider adopting a dog or cat by calling Summit County Animal Control at 330-643-2845. Though the actual “dog days” don’t begin until July 3, it’s already hot and humid here in Northeast Ohio. So, whether you’re caring for an animal already or looking to do so, remember to keep them cool and hydrated, especially after spending time outside.

During the Dog Days of Summer Adoption Event adoption costs will be reduced to $10 for dogs with the purchase of an $18 County dog license (regularly $94) and $5 for cats (regularly $50) from Friday, July 1 to Saturday, July 30. The animals will be fully vetted (bloodwork, flea treatments, intestinal de-worming, spay/neuter, and vaccinations) and ready to be taken home. Call 330-643-2845 with if you are interested or have any questions!

As the summer rolls on, residents are encouraged to get engaged on social media and help our furry friends out by liking and sharing posts from Animal Control on Facebook and County Executive Shapiro on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the handles below. Residents are also encouraged to post their own furry friends using the hashtags #DogDays and #SummitCounty! Thank you for participating!

Social Media Handles:

@SummitAnimalControl on Facebook

@SummitCountyExecutiveShapiro on Facebook

@summitexecutive on Instagram

@SummitExecutive on Twitter

What: Dog Days of Summer Adoption Event

Who: County Executive Ilene Shapiro and Summit County Animal Control

When: Friday, July 1—Saturday, July 30

Where: 250 Opportunity Parkway in Akron

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