CVCC 45th Anniversary Celebration by Julie D’Aloiso

There are many gems in the Northeast Ohio area. The Cuyahoga Valley Career Center (CVCC) is one of them. CVCC offers high school students and adults the ability to take business and technical classes. There are also opportunities for younger children to explore potential future careers. Especially for high school students, it is wonderful to have a place where they can try out a career in high school and not wait for a high school diploma. Adults can receive training in a new technical career or improve on an existing career.

All four of my children have attended CVCC. They explored careers that interested them. No matter your age: It is very valuable to find out what you want to do and maybe what you don’t want to do. How else will you know if you don’t get the opportunity to try? And did you know that many high school students from CVCC do go on to college?

CVCC held a community event on October 1st to celebrate their 45th anniversary and to showcase what they have to offer to the community. Here are some pictures from the event:

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