Easy Ways To Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

We all need to do our part to go easier on the earth—after all, it’s the only planet we’ve got. If you’ve wondered what you can do to help fight climate change, preserve resources, and leave a nicer place for the children, it’s all about making minor adjustments to your daily habits. Here are easy ways to decrease your carbon footprint and help the world breathe easier.

Eat Healthier

While veganism is the most environmentally conscious way to eat, not everyone can commit. But trying for a vegetarian or low-meat lifestyle is a worthy goal, too. Livestock puts a strain on resources and is responsible for a large part of greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, eating too much meat isn’t great for your health. Try eating more grains, vegetables, and fruits, and buy local and organic produce that requires less fuel to grow, transport, and preserve. In general, try not to waste food and consider maintaining your own garden and composter.

Bring It Home

Submit your home to an energy audit to determine where energy may be going to waste. A professional auditor will check both the inside and outside of your home in search of poor insulation, cracks, gaps, drafts, and other places where heat or cool air can get in or out. They’ll evaluate your electrical appliances to ensure they’re meeting efficiency standards or need repair. They’ll also review utility bills to determine if you’re using too much gas, electricity, water, and the like. This data will help you draft a plan to take measures to make your home more energy efficient.

On the Road

Cars that run on gasoline aren’t the most eco-friendly form of transportation, though there are ways to make them put less of a strain on the environment. When you’re driving, drive wisely and avoid going too fast or constantly slamming on the brakes, which is already bad for your car in general. Maintain all the fluids and keep the tires inflated—it’ll work better and put out less carbon monoxide. Finally, if you can, investigate purchasing a hybrid or electric vehicle, which has less of an impact on the earth in the long run. Overall, make fewer trips or use public transportation or a bicycle to get around.

Keep It Clean, Switch It Off

Small actions add up to a cleaner environment and big savings for you. One of the easy ways to decrease your carbon footprint is to adjust your habits. Before turning anything on, ask yourself if you really need it on. Turn off lights when rooms are not in use and consider installing timers. Replace incandescent bulbs with LED ones—they’ll last longer. Keep your thermostat low in winter and high in summer. A little discomfort saves money and means less damage to the planet and lower bills. And remember, the only electrical device in your home that probably needs to run nonstop is your refrigerator (even so, investigate finding the most energy-efficient model)!

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