Embrace the Mess: Ways to Make Your Home More Kid-Friendly

Embrace the Mess: Ways to Make Your Home More Kid-Friendly

If you’re a new parent or have been in the trenches for a few years, there’s probably a lot on your mind. Worries about how best to raise your child, whether the nursery is enough, or if your car is safe enough are just a few of the worries. Today, we’d like to discuss one aspect of worry—the home. Whether your child is a toddler or in elementary school, you can make your home a place of enjoyment. Here are some of our favorite ways to make your home more kid-friendly—check it out!

Build a Kid Zone in the Yard

If the kids don’t feel like they can let loose in the backyard, then it’s time to give them some outside space. Though your gardens and patio are important, having a space where the kids can delve into the outside world of messy fun is just as essential. Design the perfect backyard playground with a swing set and some other play equipment. Follow proper safety tips for setting up, and you’ll give your kids a safe, fun space to play!

Add in Silly Elements

Your kids won’t feel quite at home if they feel like they’re just a design piece in the home you’ve created. Make sure there are enough elements within the home that help them feel like they’re a part of the space. It can be as small as animal holders for their toothbrushes or beanbag chairs for their rooms. Silly elements will make them feel more at home in the space!

Make Kid Zones Inside the Home

Similarly, if you don’t want to take away from any of themes you’ve currently got going in some rooms, try to ensure that the kids at least have a zone for themselves. Think about it this way—you have your home office, and the kids know not to bother you while you’re there. Make a space that’s similar for the kids. It could be a fort in the basement, a guest bedroom turned play place, or even a sign for the door that shows they don’t want to be bothered. Respect their space as much you want them to respect yours.

Incorporate Their Work

If they create a drawing, keep it. If they brought home killer test scores, show them off. They like getting to see moments of themselves in the home, and it helps build their confidence. It may not be possible to keep every drawing, but displaying a few masterpieces is always a sweet touch. This is one of the simplest ways to make your home more kid-friendly!

Embrace Color (and Mess)

Similar to the idea of adding in silly elements, try to add notes of color to the home. More color will help them feel more playful and creative. In that same sense, try to rid yourself of the idea that your home will be tidy all the time. Embrace the mess sometimes—your kids will feel more comfortable playing if they know it’s okay to make a mess. Just teach them the importance of cleaning up after themselves, and all will be well.