EVAC 911 Program Meeting Wed. 6:00 PM, Northfield Village Town Hall

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Mayor Jesse J.Nehez and Village Council will be holding a Press Conference in cooperation with the first responders regarding the announcement of the implementation of the EVAC 911 Program that will be installed on the newest technology UICDS/Xchange Core and SpotOnResponse that will be used by their safety forces in the event of a crisis or an emergency.

No greater challenge exists today than keeping our communities, responders, schools and work places safe. This challenge will take a strong commitment from our community leaders, governmental bodies, and emergency responders by working together to build a culture of preparedness.

Village of Northfield will be the first in the nation to install the Evac 911 program.
The Founders of Foremost Safety Solutions, that developed the S.O.S. program a standardized, colorized, navigational system currently installed in the Nordonia Hills School District and many other School Districts. Was contacted by Police Chief Mark Wentz that was familiar with Foremost and asked Roy and his son Charles if they would help him develop an evacuation plan for the Village of Northfield and with their expertise in preparedness and help from Police Chief Wentz they developed a new Emergency Evacuation Plan called EVAC 911.

A demonstration will be presented by Roy E. Meadows and Police Chief Mark Wentz using the EVAC 911 program and utilizing UICDS/XchangeCore and Spot on Response.

Please, join us and learn how to further help in preparing our state, city, county, and schools, by providing local officials and first responders with Unified Incident Command and Decision Support (UICDS)/XchangeCore, the latest in critical technology from the Department of Homeland Security. Learn about our newest technology, SpotOnResponse, provides two-way information sharing and commercial mobile technology on a secure cloud environment for your Android phones, tablets, iPads, iPhones and a web application for use on a desktop, laptop or operations centers.

SpotOnResponse LLC was founded by Dr. James W. Morentz, based on more than 30 years of experience as a Homeland Security Technology Consultant.

Dr. James Morentz – Homeland Security Technology Consultant
BIO – www.zoominfo.com/p/James-Morentz/2153310

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