Executive Shapiro encourages residents to be aware of scams this holiday season

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro is encouraging residents to take steps to safeguard their finances and personal information from fraudsters and scam artists. During the holiday season, we are busier, more distracted, and off our routines, in addition to the stressors of everyday life. Scammers take advantage of these vulnerabilities by bombarding residents with more frequent scams at this time of year.

Throughout 2024, Executive Shapiro, Prosecutor Elliot Kolkovich, and Sheriff Kandy Fatheree created “Outsmart the Scam,” a series of new informational events designed to help protect residents by providing them the tools and reassurance to recognize and combat common scams.

In multiple events across the county, attendees heard from a wide variety of experts on scams and Internet safety, including the Better Business Bureau of Akron, the Ohio Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, Direction Home Akron Canton, and more. Broad community support for the program includes sponsors like Summit County Clerk of Courts Tavia Galonski, County Councilman Brandon Ford, and County Councilwoman Christine Wiedie-Higham, and several partner organizations such as Ohio Senior Medicare Patrol, Downtown Akron Partnership, and Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority.

“One of the most valuable tips I’ve learned is to slow down,” said Executive Shapiro. “These scammers prey on folks who simply want to do the right thing and will spring into action to correct something they’ve missed, like an Amazon package or jury duty. But taking a moment to breathe, hang up the phone, and verify information before doing anything, can save you a lot of time, money, and peace of mind in the long run.”

Residents are encouraged to use our easy-to-use mnemonic device “SCAM” to outsmart the scam this holiday season:


  • S – Stop talking & hang up!
      • Don’t give our personal information. Do not make ANY payments – especially payments via cryptocurrency, prepaid gift cards, wire transfer, or by mailing cash.
  • C – Call a trusted source
      • Scammers can “spoof” phone numbers so calls appear to come from a trusted source. Dial the number that you know and ask them to verify the information.
  • A – Alert the authorities
  • Report Summit County government imposter scams to the Sheriff’s Dispatch at 330-643-2181. Report Social Security Scams online at oig.ssa.gov or call 1-800-269-0271.
  • M – Make sure your friends & family know these tips!


Residents can find more resources relating to scams at https://co.summitoh.net/ScamSafety.

County officials plan to offer more Outsmart the Scam events in Spring 2025.

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