Executive Shapiro to hold Summit County Veterans Memorial Plaza Dedication


On Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 12:00 p.m., Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro will host a dedication ceremony for the recently completed Summit County Veterans Memorial Plaza at the Courthouse. Following installation of the World War II Memorial plaques outside the courthouse in 2018, Executive Shapiro’s Office began making plans to create the Veterans Memorial Plaza to honor all Summit County residents who died fighting for the nation. Today, World War I, Korean War and Vietnam War plaques join the World War II plaques and the World War I Doughboy statue. Additionally, the plaza features a Soldiers Cross sculpture donated by local business owner and philanthropist Paul Thomarios.

What: Summit County Veterans Memorial Plaza Dedication

Who: County Executive Ilene Shapiro, Veterans Service Commission Director Larry Moore

When: Wednesday, May 26 12:00 p.m.

Where: Summit County Courthouse 209 S. High St, Downtown Akron

Event will be held rain or shine.