Seventh Annual “Fill the Bus” Campaign


In celebration of Make a Difference Day

Northfield, OH – September 24, 2021 – The Nordonia Hills High School PTSA, along with Building Boosters of Nordonia Hills, Inc., will be hosting the Seventh Annual “Fill the Bus” Campaign to benefit The Emergency Assistance Center (TEAC).  We ask for the community’s support to help us “fill a bus” with non-perishable food items.  Many people continue to need assistance.  Please consider participating in this very important food drive.  Please bring unexpired, non-perishable food to donate.

The Twinsburg City School District has agreed to join us, again, in this endeavor and will work to fill a school bus with donations from their students, schools and community.

The following businesses will host community “DROP OFF” Sites:

In Nordonia Hills – Nordonia Ministerium, Drayer Physical Therapy in Macedonia, The Goddard School in Macedonia, Kindercare in Macedonia, United Methodist Church in Macedonia, Nordonia Hills Rotary and the Nordonia Hills branch of Akron Summit County Library.  This year Macedonia Parks & Recreation is also promoting the event and will have collection bins at some of their events.

In Twinsburg – Twinsburg Public Library, The Goddard School, and the Twinsburg Ministerium.

Students, staff and the two communities are asked to leave unexpired non-perishable food items in any of the collection bins in these locations.  In 2020 this food drive collected 14,600 pounds of non-perishable food items from both communities.  Our goal this year is to collect over 20,000 pounds!

The collection will run from Monday, October 11, 2021 through Friday, October 22, 2021 and will conclude with the Nordonia Hills High School Home football game.

For more information, please contact Karen Byers @