First Congregational Church of Akron (First Church) adds Kasey Kalchert, of Northfield Center

First Congregational Church of Akron (First Church) is pleased to announce the addition of a new member to their staff. Joining First Church is Kasey Kalchert, of Northfield Center, Ohio, who is taking on the role of Congregational Life Coordinator. In this full-time role, Kalchert will be working alongside our Senior Minister to ensure the smooth functioning of the programmatic life of the congregation, enhancing the ability of members to engage. She will also facilitate communication inside the congregation and communication with the wider community.

Kalchert joins First Church with a degree in Communication Studies with a double minor in English Writing and Public Relations, and has recently worked with the Girl Scouts of Northeast Ohio and Walt Disney World Resorts. First Church is an Open and Affirming congregation, dually affiliated with the United Church of Christ and the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches. To learn more visit our website at or call 330.253.5109.

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