From the Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools,
Dear Nordonia Families,
Student success is at the core of the Nordonia schools and that mission is fulfilled in many different ways. I would like to announce additional resources for students and families that find they need food assistance of any kind. Through the generous support of The Emergency Assistance Center and The Nordonia Hills Schools Foundation, there are two programs available for all students and families.
The first is the recently implemented Hope for a kNight program. In the lobby of each school building is a bin with bags of non-perishable food items that any student or family member can stop by and pick up while the lobbies are open each school day. Inside the bag are items for at least one family meal and information on school and community resources.
The weekend food assistance program, Knights Caring for Knights, is also an option for students to receive at the end of each school week. The weekend food bag contains 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 snacks. Often there is additional food for a dinner meal as well. Students and families that would like more information or to participate in this weekly program need only to notify their classroom teacher, school counselor, or the district’s Family Support Specialist, Amy Gay. Amy can be reached at or 330-908-6231.
We look forward to continuing our work in assisting students and families to be successful through the generous support of community partners.
Joe Clark, Ph.D.