From: Fire District 27 Firefighters’ Association

To all the residents of Sagamore Hills and participants of our popular and successful residential lock box program, we would like to start by thanking you for your support over the years.

On September 15th we will no longer be the provider of your Fire and EMS protection.  Sagamore Hills Township has entered into a contract with the City of Macedonia for those services.

We have heard your concerns about the lock boxes and I hope that in some way this letter will help provide some answers.

We are working on plans to make any transition as seamless as possible.  There have been several discussions between all parties involved in the program and we are working towards a solution.

There are some questions still to be answered as to the future of our department as a whole, and once the results of the election are in we’ll have a better understanding and be able to give a more concrete answer.

We are doing our very best to be able to hand a successful program over to the City of Macedonia Fire Department with as little inconvenience to you, the resident, as possible.

Any questions can be directed to Firefighter Mike Jaskolka, or Firefighter Don Sedlak, officers of the Association.  We can be reached at the fire station, 60 W. Aurora Road, Northfield Center, or by phone, 330-467-7410.  We work part time schedules but will do our best to return any messages left in a timely manor.

Thank you for your understanding during this transition,

Michael A. Jaskolka, Vice President, Fire District 27 Firefighters’ Association

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