From the Desk of the Superintendent: Nordonia Hills City Schools March Update

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March is a time of growth, and our students and staff continue to make great strides in academics, extracurriculars, and community engagement. Across the district, we see students excelling in the classroom, athletes achieving success, and staff working hard to ensure a positive learning environment. Below is a look at what’s been happening in each of our buildings, along with a preview of our Strategic Plan, which will be presented at the next Board of Education meeting.

Nordonia High School

Nordonia High School students are preparing for the future, both academically and personally. Course selections for next year are being finalized, and staff are working closely with students to help them plan their academic paths. The Digital Knights Academy, an online learning option, is being fine-tuned to ensure students receive the support they need while maintaining high expectations.

Students are also making an impact beyond the classroom. The High School hosted a Valentine’s Day fundraiser, creating a sense of unity and celebration in the school. Meanwhile, the Red Cross Club raised awareness about heart health and the dangers of vaping, ensuring students are educated on important wellness topics.

Athletically, our Knights continue to make us proud. The boys’ basketball team secured a thrilling last-second victory over Archbishop Hoban, while 21 swimmers and five divers competed at the District Meet. These achievements showcase the dedication and teamwork of our student-athletes.

Nordonia Middle School & Lee Eaton Intermediate School

At Nordonia Middle School, students enjoyed a fun-filled Spirit Week, dressing up in creative themes and ending with a pep assembly to celebrate winter sports and school spirit. The school also conducted a lockdown drill, reinforcing safety procedures and ensuring all students and staff are well-prepared.

Lee Eaton students continue to lead by example. The Knights of the Round Table, a student-led recognition program, honored students for demonstrating kindness, responsibility, and respect. Additionally, students participated in academic interventions, strengthening study skills and preparing for upcoming assessments.

Rushwood, Northfield, and Ledgeview Elementary Schools

Our elementary schools have been filled with enthusiasm and hands-on learning.

  • Rushwood Elementary hosted the American Heart Association Challenge, a weeklong event focused on heart health and wellness. Students participated in themed dress-up days and educational activities while raising awareness about leading a healthy lifestyle. The PTA recognized outstanding individuals for their contributions, including Debbie McNellie, Goksu Kretch, and Jenny Fisher, who go above and beyond for our students.
  • Northfield Elementary launched its annual One School, One Book program, a month-long initiative that encourages families to read together. This beloved tradition fosters a love of reading and brings the school community together. Additionally, students participated in “Paws for a Cause,” a service project collecting donations for the Humane Society, teaching the importance of giving back.
  • Ledgeview Elementary focused on literacy and student engagement. Second graders completed their InView and TerraNova gifted testing, ensuring students receive the appropriate academic support.

Strategic Plan Preview

At the next Board of Education meeting, we will present our district’s five-year Strategic Plan, which outlines our priorities for continued excellence. The plan focuses on:

  1. Connect – Strengthening communication, community engagement, and student recognition.
  2. Stabilize – Maintaining financial responsibility and ensuring long-term fiscal health.
  3. Optimize – Improving facilities, maximizing resources, and enhancing school security.
  4. Achieve – Elevating curriculum alignment, expanding intervention programs, and ensuring student success.

We look forward to sharing this vision with the community and gathering feedback to ensure we meet the needs of our students and families.

Looking Ahead

As we move into spring, we will continue working on academic planning and facility improvements to support our students and families. Thank you to our staff, students, and community for your dedication to making Nordonia Hills City Schools a place of excellence.

Together, we are Nordonia strong!

Casey G. Wright
Nordonia Hills City Schools
Phone: (330) 467-0580

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