From Trustee Paul Buescher – Leaf Pickup Info – Auditor Finds $14K More for Recovery – Much More



#540 MONDAY OCTOBER 15, 2018


The following report was released by Ohio Auditor of State, Dave Yost:

Ohio Rev. Code § 117.28 requires the Auditor of State to issue a finding for recovery when “an

audit report sets forth that any public money collected has been illegally expended, or that any

public money collected has not been accounted for, or that any public money due has not been

collected, or that any public property has been converted or misappropriated…”

As the Northfield Sagamore Hills Fire District’s (Fire District) fiscal officer, Rosemary Barrett

used the Fire District’s First Merit credit card issued in her name and Lowes credit card

maintained by the Fire District to make purchases between January 1, 2012 and September 14,

2016 (the Period). Ms. Barrett was responsible for preparing disbursements and maintaining

support for the Fire District expenditures. Ms. Barrett made payments for the Fire District’s

credit card charges electronically through the Fire District’s bank account.

During the Period, Ms. Barrett charged $12,048 for personal or other non-Fire District related

transactions. We also identified $10,639 charged to the Fire District’s credit cards that was not

supported by documentation. Due to the lack of documentation, we were unable to determine

whether the expenditures were for purposes related to the Fire District. Items charged included

purchases for food, equipment, vegetable plants, flowers, garden supplies, and other

miscellaneous expenses. The Fire District paid these charges. In addition, we identified $1,952 in

late charges and finance fees paid by the Fire District on credit card purchases made during the

Period. Timely payment of Fire District bills was the responsibility of the fiscal officer, Ms.

Barrett, during the Period.

In accordance with the foregoing facts and pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code Section 117.28, a

finding for recovery for public property converted or misappropriated is hereby issued in the

amount of $22,687 and a finding for recovery for public money illegal expended is hereby issued

in the amount of $1,952 against Rosemary Barrett and her bonding company, The Cincinnati

Insurance Company, in favor of the Northfield Sagamore Hills Fire District.

On January 8, 2018, Ms. Barrett pled guilty to a fourth degree felony charge of theft in office.

Ms. Barrett was ordered to make restitution, totaling $10,172, to the Fire District. As of August

6, 2018, Ms. Barrett has repaid $2,499 to the Fire District.

Our review was made in reference to the applicable sections of legislative criteria, as reflected by

the Ohio Constitution, and the Revised Code, policies, procedures and guidelines of the Auditor

of State, regulations and grant requirements. The Northfield Sagamore Hills Fire District is

responsible for compliance with these laws and regulations.

Dave Yost

Auditor of State

UPDATE:  The bonding company that covered Rosemary Barrett’s Fire District employment has made a demand for repayment of the Finding. If they are not paid by Rosemary Barrett, it is expected that the bonding company will make a settlement with the former District for the amount of the Finding.

It should also be mentioned that there is a person spreading some very false information and accusations involving this subject on social media.  The facts have been shared with everyone yet this person persists in her wild diatribes.  Readers are urged to consider the source of their information by ignoring the rumors and lies and base their conclusions on the FACTS!


Northfield Center Township will begin the fall leaf collection Monday, October 29, 2018, weather permitting. This year we will be taking a different approach by making continual rounds starting on October 29th and making one last final round starting on December 3rd.  This operation can be more effective and efficient if the following policies are followed.  Failure to comply could possibly result in no collection.

1.)    Please rake leaves in 3 ft. to 4 ft. wide linear rows alongside the road starting at the road edge, and not to exceed 15 ft. from the road. If your property has ditches keep leaf piles between the ditch and the road.  If you are unable to place leaves between the ditch and the road, place the leaves on the “house side” of the ditch as close to the ditch as possible.

2.)    Keep storm water systems clear of leaves to insure proper flow.  Do not cover catch basins or culvert pipes. Do not put leaves in the center of the ditch since it can cause flooding.  Additionally, wet leaves impair vacuuming.

3.)    Do not place leaves in the street, behind trees, mail boxes, over rocks, and maintain a 5 foot buffer from these items.

4.)    This is a leaf collection only.  Do not put sticks, branches, stones, mulch, grass clippings, ornamental grasses, trash, garden debris, etc. in the leaf piles.  These clog our machines and can cause extensive and costly damage and down time.  Piles containing debris will NOT be picked up.

5.)    Do not block leaves with vehicles because we cannot pick them up.

6.)    Any leaves remaining after the final pickup will have to be bagged by the homeowner and placed out with the rubbish.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation during the leaf collection.


Q >>> – I understand that the road levy is both a renewal and an additional.  What will the additional cost us?

A >>> – Simply put, the additional portion of the levy would cost the owner of a $100,000 home about $9 per year or a $200,000 home around $18 per year, etc.  I hope this helps.

Q >>> – I have a problem with the unfair amount on my sewer bill and have tried contacting our county council representative, Ron Koehler with no luck.  I have even called his cell, it was given to me by the lady who answers the phone and relays the messages to whomever at the Councils’ office. This is a waste of taxpayers $$- to vote in someone like this. I wish I could (and everyone else) take his salary and give it back. I had always thought that an elected official had to have some kind of  ‘fight for the people’ mentality. From the experience so far, it has been only some of the lady council members that had replied.  Can you help get Ron Koehler to answer me and help?

A >>> – As you know by the copies of the emails that I sent to Ron Koehler, he is ignoring me as well.  I haven’t seen or heard from him since May 2, 2017.  And I’ve heard from others who are being ignored as well.  Only Ron Koehler can explain what’s going on.  In the meantime, Jason Dodson from the County Executive’s Office did reply to you and explained the formula used to determine sewer billing for those like you who are not on a metered system.

Q >>> – I am trying to see if WOW will be coming to my area. I am on Timberlane. I currently have Spectrum but I know WOW has faster speeds for cheaper, and for someone who works from home I could use it. Do you have any info on timelines? I have reached out to WOW over a month ago with no response.

A >>> – WOW cable has been working on the areas in our Township that have underground wiring.  It is my understanding that they want to finish these areas before they work on the older areas with above ground wiring.  I suspect that the work will stop or be greatly reduced during the coming winter weather.  However, it is their plan to include the entire Township, which may not happen until sometime next year.

Q >>> – I am confused on Issue 1.  Can you explain in a nut-shell if this is good or bad for us?

A >>> – What I can do is provide to you what the County Prosecutor’s Office thinks about it.  Here is what they have to say:  “Issue 1 is a constitutional amendment which makes possessing drugs like heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, and the date rape drug GHB misdemeanors. It also limits a judge’s ability to hold people accountable.  It is retroactive. Many people previously convicted of a felony drug offense will have that conviction reduced to a misdemeanor. A number of these individuals could be permitted to own a firearm. If passed, it would reduce prison sentences, including for those convicted of violent crimes, by 25 percent and would remove truth in sentencing. Crime victims would not know how long a defendant will spend in prison.”

Q >>> – A few years ago you suggested buying a Grundig 750 shortwave radio receiver.  I bought one last June and have enjoyed listening to many stations around the world with just the antenna on the radio.  I wanted you to know that last Sunday I was listening to hams and heard you!  I was amazed to hear you talking to Brazil and a minute later, you talked to “Erik” in Trinidad.  What amazed me more is that I also heard them!  As a ham, can you do this everyday?  What kind of radio do you need and what kind of power?  I am nearing retirement and think this would be an interesting hobby!

A >>> –  That is so cool that you ran across my QSO (conversation) with these folks.  That Grundig is a super great receiver!  You were listening on the 20-meter amateur (Ham) radio band on 14.205 Mhz.  On this band, it is usually ‘open’ for DX work (talking distance) during the day.  Other bands open at various times during the day or night.  I used 100-watts to talk to Brazil but had to use 1,500 – watts for Trinidad and the European stations that I worked that day.  My primary radio is an ICOM 706 MarkII.  I can go into a lot more detail but since you are interested in the hobby, I suggest calling me so that we can discuss it in more detail.  In the meantime, if you go online to , you can type in any ham radio call sign that you hear to find out where they are and their information.  Type in my callsign N8HHG and you can see a photo of my station.  Anyone interested in ham radio or shortwave listening can call me anytime for any help.  Thank you for sharing your listening experience with me!


NOTE – If you would like your name to appear under your

Comments, please type the word “Signed” next to your name


Watching the news the other day they did a story from Minnesota, showing a kid doing CPR on a squirrel, assisted by a policeman.  This reminded me of a local story.

A few weeks ago, there was a story of the Sagamore Hills Police Department saving a puppy that was locked in a car on a 90 degree day.  However, a few years ago, the Northfield Center-Sagamore Hills Fire District members were returning from a call in Northfield Center and saw a dog on the side of the road with a plastic bag wrapped around its head.  Of course, the crew stopped and rescued the dog.

It is very unbelievable to me that the Sagamore Hills Police Department received so much notoriety, especially from the Trustees, yet when the Firefighters stopped to do similar act of kindness, were chastised by Sagamore and told it was a waste of time and not to do it anymore.  My point is why is it okay for police officers to save an animal but not firefighters?


Thank you,

Paul G. Buescher

Northfield Center Twp. – Trustee



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