#526  TUESDAY  FEBRUARY 13, 2018


Reporting on last week’s aggravated robbery here in Northfield Center reminded me about several recent incidents that, for one reason or another, were never reported on except for some brief mentions at Trustees meetings.  Our Sheriff’s Department is always busy investigating and solving a myriad of criminal activities, many of which receive little or no publicity.  When some of them are reported, many of the details are left out.  Here are a few examples of cases and details that you may or may not have heard about. 

On January 21, 2018 (last month) Summit County Sheriff deputies and detectives raided a Northfield Center home and recovered evidence that resulted in the resident being charged with Child Pornography.  A utility worker tipped off the Sheriff’s Office when, during the course of his job activities, witnessed the evidence.  This led to quick work by the Sheriff’s Office in their obtaining a search warrant and ending in the arrest of the suspect. 

In the early morning hours of September 11, 2017, thieves broke into the backdoor of the Northfield Gun and Tackle store after they cut off power to the building.  Around 300 firearms were stolen!  Investigators from the Sheriff’s Office and BATF were on the scene shortly after the theft was reported.  Ironically, the video surveillance system that we just installed a few days earlier in and around our Townhall building, recorded one of the vehicles arriving and leaving during the theft and helped identify the vehicle.  Within a day the investigators tied the theft to a gang in East Cleveland.  Arrests were made and the guns were recovered. 

On August 1, 2017, we received a past due credit card statement from Huntington bank showing some very suspicious purchases made with a card from our former Northfield Center-Sagamore Hills Fire District.  I was asked to take the evidence to the Sheriff’s Office for investigation.  Within an hour after Deputy Wes Dobbins began investigating, we had our suspect – Rosemary Barrett, the Fire District’s former Fiscal Officer. 

During the course of the following months, we worked with investigators through interviews at our home and during other meetings.  Some of us were given credit card statements dating back to Mrs. Barrett’s first day on the job.  We were asked to study them and highlight all questionable purchases.  A collective estimate put the questionable purchases at around $30,000! 

Once forensic investigators completed their work on the purchases, it was determined that $10,172 of the purchases was the figure they arrived at that could be prosecuted without any doubt of theft.  On January 9th, Rosemary Barrett pleaded guilty to fourth-degree felony theft in office. 

NOTE:  All articles published in this newsletter related to active and inactive Sheriff investigations have been approved by the Sheriff’s Office prior to publication.


Q >>> – The person who lives on e Oakmont way and likes how well our roads are repaired should look at the southwest corner of skyhaven and e Oakmont. the township keeps filling the holes with gravel and occasionally fills the larger hole with patch.we end up with gravel and small pieces of patch all over the corner of the street. How about repairing the corner the way it should be done?

A >>> – I investigated your complaint and prior to doing so, I was aware of a recurring problem on that corner.  The problem is NOT our Service Department’s lack of maintenance as you infer but rather drivers who do not know how to properly negotiate turns.  I attached a photograph that I took this evening (Sun. 2/11) that clearly shows tire tracks well off the roadway in the snow.  If you look you will see three (3) sets of them along with a clearly plowed road surface.  The one set of tracks is at least five (5) feet from the edge of the paved roadway!  Unfortunately, that is one of the problems that those who live on a corner lot have to contend with.

Yes, there IS an average pothole in the same area and it will be addressed along with the hundreds of others within our Township.  We all have to wait for the weather to break before good repairs can be made.  In the meantime, our Service Department will install markers on the corner but don’t be surprised when those get run over.   And additional gravel will be used to bolster the corner of the roadway.  The bottom line here is that we cannot control what inexperienced or uncaring drivers do.  All we can do is try to clean up after them when time and conditions permit.



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Thanks to the officers who responded and apprehended. So glad they were not injured!


We are so proud of the protection we have with the Summit County deputies. Please give them our grateful thanks for apprehending those armed robbers this week. A job well done. Thank you also for keeping us informed.


My 12th book Mag-ni-fi-cat and the Wartime Mysteries was just published by Fireside/Lux Books. The book is composed of two novellas about World War II and the American Revolution and a section about the veterans and the Honor Flight Program. Because of this, my publisher and I are giving free books to all veterans who served in World War II or Korea. I wanted to be sure your readers had heard about this so they could contact me if it applies to them. Hope everyone enjoys my new book!

Linda Lehmann Masek




Macedonia lures these people here, at least tell them to keep them in their own neighborhood. Well done on the Sheriffs dept as always.

[PAUL’S NOTE] – One of the listed suspects was from Northfield Center!


I live on Hazel Drive very close to where that robbery on old 8 happened.  I am relieved that those punks didn’t try this at my home or any of several of my neighbors, all of whom are well armed.  My wife and I have 3 loaded Remington 1100 semiauto 12ga shotguns around the house.  Had they tried kicking in our door, the headlines would have been much different!


Paul, I know you guys took a some heat over the sheriff’s contract during your election campaign.  I hope that those naysayers now see how our tax dollars are being well spent as shown by how they caught those robbers in 15 minutes!  I’m sure there are many more examples of their professionalism that doesn’t get the publicity that they deserve.

[PAUL’S NOTE] – Your comments prompted me to write the above article, “SHERIFF’S INVESTIGATIONS YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE HEARD ABOUT!” 


Thank you,

Paul G. Buescher

Northfield Center Twp. – Trustee



Paul Buescher
Paul Buescher
Northfield Center Trustee

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