From Trustee Paul Buescher – Thank You – Leaf Pickup Update – New Administrator & More


#541  MONDAY NOVEMBER 12, 2018


On behalf of all of us I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for passing our Road Levy last Tuesday.  Most of you know the dedication that our employees show day in and day out and thanks to YOU, their work will continue uninterrupted!  Remember, because of them, when the leaves fall they pick them up.  When the snow falls, they keep YOUR roads clear and the list goes on and on.  THANK YOU! 


Every homeowner and business in Northfield Center received a large post card informing everyone about this year’s leaf collection program.  More comprehensive guidelines were posted in our local newspaper, on our Township website and in this newsletter.  As a result, everyone should know that unlike the previous years, there is no actual schedule.  Our Road crew is operating on a continuous basis going from one area to another.  Once they have covered the whole Township, then they start over.  This will be the case until December 3rd.  On that date, your leaves need to be ready for pickup because they will not return once they have made their last pickup on or shortly after that date. 

On a related note, we were made aware of some residents putting out branches for pickup.  There are NO branch pickups scheduled and never were.  The only time that our Service Department will pick up branches is after an emergency situation and after the Board of Trustees has declared the emergency.  This last time we had branch pickups during an emergency was last year, November 5th when we were hit with an extremely strong wind storm.  There have been no emergencies since then and we hope we don’t see any in the future! 


The Board of Trustees conducted their regular Trustees Meeting on Monday, November 5th.  After opening, the meeting was recessed to allow the presentation of memorial plaques to Sam Ciocco’s family for Sam’s 24-years of devoted service to the Northfield Center Township residents.

 Over 52 guests attended the ceremony, including past and present elected officials from the area, friends and employees who worked side by side with Sam.

 Memorial plaques were presented by the Board of Trustees and Summit County Executive, Ilene Shapiro, presented one on behalf of the County.

 Some notables attending:

 Irene Shapiro (Summit Co. Executive)

Bill Goncy (Boston Hts. Mayor)

Nick Molnar (Macedonia Mayor)

Paul Schweikert (Trustee, Sagamore Hills)

Eugene Wilson (County Engineer’s Office)

Jeff Snell (Sagamore Hills Law Director)

Al Lepri (Former NCT Trustee)

Rich James (Former NCT Trustee)

Monica James (Former NCT Fiscal Officer)

Tom Catalano (Former NCFD Chief)

Dennis Potter (Former NCFD Chief)

Rosemary Snell (Former Sagamore Hills Trustee)

Chuck Pickering (Former NCT Road Dept. Supervisor)

Judy Flauto (NCT Secretary)

Betty Klingenberg (Former School Board Member)

Helen Humphrey (Copley Township)

and many others


 After an exhaustive search, the Board of Trustees narrowed down their search for a new Township Administrator to one.  I am happy to report that we hired Stow native, Steve Wright who will begin his new job on November 19th.  Steve comes with quite a resume’ and a very friendly personality to go with it.  We look forward to working with Steve and he is looking forward to working with YOU and us! 

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank both fellow Trustee Rich Reville and Township Secretary Judy Flauto for filling in after Sam Ciocco’s death.  They were both there nearly every day and kept the Township functioning, which wasn’t an easy job.  Thanks to both of you – Your work was very much appreciated!


 Q >>> – I am disappointed in the leaf pickup.  Our yard is worse than before they came.  Leaves are on the road and around my mailbox and now I track leaves into my house when I get the mail!  Can you do something about this?

A >>> – I drove to your home within a half-hour of getting your voicemail.  To be honest with you, I found absolutely no grounds for any complaint.  In fact, your yard looked better than most and I even photographed it.  Yes, there were some leaves in the roadway and a few around your mailbox.  We do not vacuum the roads and the guidelines clearly indicate that our equipment cannot work around mailboxes or other obstructions.  The only thing that I can suggest is to either wipe your shoes or take them off before entering your home!

 Q >>> – The Attached letter gets me  upset when I am accused of something with absolutely no

explanation of something I have done.  Since this is a form letter without my name and just resident on the address I’m not sure my landscaper is doing anything wrong.  I have been living here since 2002 and had a landscaper for the last seven years and we have  not changed anything.  Since this letter is threatening, my attorney has asked me to ask if you can visit my location to confirm it is my lot and physically point out the problem.  If we agree I will fix it ASAP.

A >>> –  The letter to which you are referring, was a form letter sent to all residents in the Rolling Brooke area suspected of encroaching on adjoining properties.  I spoke with you about this on the phone and suggested that you and all others receiving the letter to contact our Zoning Inspector, Don Saunders, to find out the particulars that caused you to receive it.

Thank you, 

Paul G. Buescher

Northfield Center Twp. – Trustee



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