Gray Journey – (with photos)

In case you have not been following this journey with me. My name is Julie D’Aloiso.  I am 55 years old. My hair is turning more gray every day. It is a battle am not winning. For some reason, generally speaking, men can let there hair grow natural. Gray at the temples is distinguished. And some women can pull of the salt and pepper look. I even considered dyeing my hair silver.

After many discussions and comments from friends. I decided these options were not for me.
I consulted with Lisa Dennis from Hot Heads in Northfield. She hatched the plan that has since been implemented (see pictures below).

Basically she painted on some hair dye of various shades, including a nice summer caramel hue. This left in some of the gray. She also gave me a sassy cut and changed the part.

Now when the gray creeps in it will not be as noticeable and easy to touch up when it gets out of hand.

Everyone’s Gray Journey is different. This was a great solution for me! I hope it helps someone else with their dilemma.
Please enjoy the before, during and after photos!

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