Coming up with a compelling way to get people to stop and see what you have to offer can be a challenge. A polite “Hi, how are you?” or other standard greeting just isn’t going to do the trick most of the time; you need something that is a little more along the lines of a pick-up line. Your opener can be clever, catchy, intriguing, flattering, or some combination of these things. Many people who run successful trade show booths recommend trying out a few different pre-planned lines, and gauging how trade show attendees react to them. Here are some tried-and-true lines that you can tweak and test out at your next trade show.

  • “What do you know about our company/product/service?
  • “Are you looking for a __________?”
  • “Would you like to see a demo?”
  • “Let me show you something exciting.”
  • “So, what do you do at [company]?”
  • “How well have you been finding what you need today?”
  • “How helpful has this show been so far?”
  • “Could I ask for your opinion on something?”
  • “Did you get your free…?”
  • “Have you entered to win…?”
  • “Which part of our service would be most helpful to your company?”
  • “Are there any features you don’t see here that you would be interested in?