By Dr. Krystosik

Sleep is a foundational requirement for optimal health. Insomnia can contribute to illness and lead to disease. Seven hours of sleep per day is important to overall well-being because our immune system recharges itself during sleep. In this article I will discuss the three P’S of sleep deprivation PAIN, POOR NUTRITION and PERNICISOUS STRESS (killer). Best of all I will tell you how to fix them 1,2, 3.

Pain is one of the biggest disrupters of sleep making it difficult to get comfortable enough to relax at night. Neck, back or shoulder pain can make you toss and turn throughout the night leaving you tired and grumpy in the morning. Thousands of research studies prove chiropractic spinal adjustments can reduce or eliminate neck, back and shoulder pain quickly. Herbs and other nutritional supplements can help relieve or eliminate acute or chronic pain anywhere in the body without harmful side effects. Ginger, tumeric, Boswellia, magnesium, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, homeopathic arnica and army of nutritional supplements can help combat pain. I help people get out of pain everyday using these safe, time proven natural cures.

POOR NUTRITION is another major factor that can trigger acute and chronic pain syndromes. Considering the Standard American Diet S.A.D., it’s no surprise the majority of Americans are deficient in one or more nutrients. According to the FDA magnesium is the number one nutrient deficiency. Magnesium supports crucial physiological functions, such as heart rhythm, blood vessel tone, nerve function and muscle contraction and relaxation. With the current crisis of opioid abuse, natural analgesics like magnesium are finally getting serious attention in the medical community. Since I believe food is your best medicine, I encourage my patients to eat plenty of foods that contain magnesium. Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, romaine lettuce, whole grains like oat, whole wheat, quinoa, beans and legumes like lentils, nuts and avocados all contain significant amounts of magnesium.

STRESS causes muscle to tense up. Tense muscles cause neck, shoulder and back pain, headaches and abdominal pain. On the other hand, once you relax the muscles relax. I prescribe stress reduction techniques to all of my patients who are in pain. Yoga, deep breathing, exercise, prayer and meditation are all powerful stress reduction techniques.

Dr. Krystosik is a board-certified chiropractic physician with an undergraduate degree in clinical nutrition and is northeast Ohio’s leading expert in functional medicine. Dr. Krystosik is the author of 5 books on nutrition and natural medicine and is a nationally known speaker. For an appointment with Dr. Krystosik in his Northfield office, call 330-908-0094 or go to 


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