How to Get Your FREE Video Game From Device Xperts This Saturday

By Carol Lewis

Saturday, May 12 is a big day for video game enthusiasts. Around the country, independent video game sellers are working as a team to create FREE VIDEO GAME DAY

Locally, Device Xperts, in Sagamore Hills, will be showing appreciation for their customers by giving a free video game to each individual that comes to the store between 9:30 am and 8 pm.

Device Xperts is at 445 West Aurora Rd, across the road from the Sagamore Square.

The idea came from Free Comic Book Day. Free Video Game Day is timed to give students a rainy day activity, a commendation for good final grades, and an escape from stress for adults.

Each game will be new or good used, and appropriate for the type of video game platform the recipient uses. Games will be gifted in a grab bag style.

Stop in early, as free game supplies are limited, and will only be given out as long as the supply lasts.

While at Device Xperts, please check out the variety of cell phone protectors and their assortment of cables. Talk with the techs about your computer issues. Device Xperts repairs computers, laptops, cell phones, iPads, iPods, and other electronics.

New and used video game consoles, joysticks, and video game guides are on the sales floor, ready for purchase. Surge protectors and battery chargers, along with Xbox gift cards are on the shelf.

As a special treat for children under 12, while supplies last, a free Animal Crossing Amiibo will be given along with the child’s free game.

Please support local business, and visit Device Xperts for a Free Video Game on May 12th!

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