How To Identify Hail Damage After a Storm

There’s perhaps no more colorful and illustrative term in the wide world of weather reporting than “golf-ball-sized hail.” It calls to mind living in the middle of the world’s busiest driving range, where neither rain nor snow deters PGA hopefuls from their appointed whacks. But hail, which forms when strong winds carry droplets up into cold air and back down, is no day at the country club. Hailstorms can cause severe damage to your home—and surprisingly, it’s not always immediately apparent. We’ll provide you with some tips on how to identify hail damage after a storm.

Check Your Roof

One of the most common places to find hail damage is the place closest to the sky, of course—your roof. The first thing to do is to look for any missing or cracked shingles, which have low resilience against hail. Even metal roofs can see damage from a strong storm, so it’s also important to check for dents or divots on the surface of the roof. While these dents may not seem like a big deal, they can lead to leaks and other structural issues down the line. If you’re not comfortable climbing on your roof, it’s best to call a professional roofing contractor to inspect it for you.

Inspect Your Gutters

You may not think of gutters as victims of hail, but as gutters age through the seasons, they can become susceptible to damage and failure. Dents or cracks in your gutters can stop them from redirecting rainfall as they should, causing water to overflow and potentially damaging your foundation. It’s important to repair or replace your gutters as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring.

Look at Your Siding

High winds can divert even heavy hail from a straight vertical descent—and that’s bad news for siding. Check your siding for any cracks, dents, or holes. Not only can this damage the aesthetic of your home, but allowing precipitation to infiltrate your home’s walls can also lead to water damage and mold growth. If you suspect that your siding has been damaged by hail, it’s best to contact a professional to assess the situation.

Check Your Windows

Finally, don’t forget to inspect your windows for signs of hail damage. Small dents or cracks in the glass may not seem like a big deal, but it only takes a hairline fracture to affect the insulation and efficiency of your windows. As with damaged gutters, it’s critical to repair or replace any broken windowpanes as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Know When To Call a Professional

Finally, when it comes to how to identify hail damage after a storm, discretion is the better part of valor. You don’t need to risk toppling off any rooftops or cutting yourself on broken glass. While it’s important to inspect your home for hail damage, there are times when it’s best to call a roofing or siding professional to assess the situation. If you’re unsure of what to look for or if you notice any significant damage, it’s best to contact a contractor.

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