How To Increase Prospective Renters to Your Home

How To Increase Prospective Renters to Your Home

Increasing prospective renters to your property requires dedication, commitment, and flexibility. No one said renting out your home or property is easy. Fortunately, there are ways to stay ahead of the game and improve tenant loyalty. Check out how to increase prospective renters to your home to learn some of the many ways others have increased their rental values and attracted more renters to their property.


If you think simple word-of-mouth marketing will bring in prospective renters, you’re sadly mistaken. Nor will a small sign on the front yard draw in large crowds. Quality advertising is one of the most important features of a successful rental property. With constant viewership online, list your property on the web. Add in high-quality pictures, list the amenities, renting price, and other important details along with it.

Allow Pets

Additionally, it helps to offer additional perks uncommon in other residential properties. For example, if most people don’t allow pets in your area, you can easily stand out as one that does. Fewer supply increases demand. Of course, the type of property relates to the type of pet allowed. While it isn’t always feasible to allow dogs in apartment buildings, you can allow cats or other smaller, less invasive animals. Otherwise, allow all pets but charge a pet rental fee. Even if renters need to pay more, they’ll find it worthwhile if it means living with their furry friend. Staying ahead of the competition is one of the many ways to thrive in your local rental market.

Provide Parking

Also, consider providing parking spaces for tenants. Whether you charge for parking or include it in the rental fee, offering certain amenities or perks is still a great way to increase prospective renters to your home. Parking is always important, especially in urban or busy suburban areas where it’s harder to find. Alternatively, consider offering or charging for landscaping services, snow removal, contracting work, and other amenities. You’ll see higher profits and greater demand.


Additionally, it’s important to renovate all major issues to avoid further problems. Preventative maintenance ensures fewer renovations are needed to maintain the property. Leaks, pests, mold, broken appliances, and exterior repairs are all fixable assets needed to attract tenants: the more issues in your property, the fewer people will want to rent from you. Do your work ahead of time and perform all necessary maintenance to improve tenant retention.