How To Know When You Should Call a Plumber

How To Know When You Should Call a Plumber

Knowing exactly when you need a plumber is tricky business. The best time to call one would be before you have to deal with any unpleasant problem, but unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. There are some clear signs that you should keep a watchful eye out for if you’d like to avoid the worst of the disasters. This article will show you how to know when you should call a plumber so you don’t waste any precious time getting issues fixed.

Your Toilet Continually Overflows

One of the more obvious signs you should call a plumber is when your toilets regularly overflow for seemingly no reason. If you don’t know why your toilets are getting clogged and overflowing, it means there could be a much deeper problem at play. Not only should you get this problem taken care of, but there could also be something seriously wrong with your sewer line that only a plumber can fix.

Multiple Sinks Are Slow To Drain

If one of your sinks is slow to drain, that could indicate there is a small clog in a nearby pipe. However, if multiple sinks don’t seem to drain very well, you may have an issue deeper in your piping. Just as with your toilet, this is a problem that is very difficult to deal with yourself. A professional plumbing company will be able to find the root of the problem and fix it before it gets worse.

Water Pressure is Very Low

Nothing is more annoying than a low water pressure shower. When your water pressure is noticeably lower than it normally is and stays that way, your water main could have a serious problem. Perhaps a leak or break in the line is making your water pressure drop. Whatever the cause, it’s going to take more than duct tape to fix correctly, so call in a professional when you need to.

Your Drains Have a Noticeable Smell

A clear indication that you need a plumber as soon as possible is if you can smell your drains before you can see them. This problem could happen if your sewage line is backed up and backflowing into your house again. This can lead to health issues if not taken care of, so don’t procrastinate calling for help when this problem rears its ugly head.

You Notice New Mold Growth

Mold growth is a clear sign that there is too much moisture in an area. When it comes to your plumbing, this could mean there is a leak spraying water somewhere behind your walls. Mold is terrible for your health and allergies so if you notice that mold is starting to grow in a seemingly random place, direct a plumber toward that area. They’ll be able to find the source of the issue.