How To Make Your Car a Much Greener Vehicle

How To Make Your Car a Much Greener Vehicle

Cars are designed better than ever and are faster, more durable, and able to get more miles to the gallon. But in these days of going green, are you sure your automobile is doing its part to help preserve natural resources and protect the earth? Truthfully, with basic maintenance and a few simple adjustments to your driving habits, you can keep your car more environmentally friendly. Here’s how to make your car a much greener vehicle.

Upgrade Wherever You Can

Is your car equipped with eco-friendly parts? Tires, traditionally, have been terrible for the environment, inevitably ending up rotting forever in landfills. But newer types of tires are making a difference, including low-rolling resistance tires and ones that use sustainable materials in place of the old carcinogenic and heavy metal ones used in past years. Green car parts are another advancement. These are vehicle parts that, if undamaged, can be reused in new cars once the original car has served out its days.

Keep It Humming

Tune-ups are good for your car and the environment. They ensure your car burns less fuel and expels fewer noxious gases. You’ll save on gas as well. Oil changes are a necessity. Roughly every 6,000 miles, replace the old oil and filter so your engine can operate without extra stress. Check and replace your car’s filters at the same time. Keeping the car well lubricated and topped off with fluids also ensures it’s not “thirsty” and overworking itself. Keeping your tires properly inflated also removes stress from your car, so check the pressure with regularity, and be sure to have them rotated every 6,000 to 8,000 miles. When you fill your vehicle up, don’t try to top it off when the gas pump stops. That just evaporates and wastes gas.

Easy on the AC

When the temperature rises, it’s tempting to turn the air conditioning on full blast. It may feel delightfully cool, but it’s not doing you, your car, or the environment any favors. When you turn on the AC, you’re putting even more strain on your engine (and you’ll hear it as you drive). Leave the AC for days when the temps are soaring and make do otherwise by opening all the windows, dressing in light clothing, and bringing an icy beverage. In truth, AC should make brutally hot days slightly more tolerable; it shouldn’t turn your car into a deep freezer.

Skip the Trip

Here’s our final tip on how to make your car a much greener vehicle: don’t use it so much. The cleanest car is one that isn’t running, or at least isn’t being used for trips that could be made with public transportation, a bicycle, your own legs, or other means of conveyance. There’s an old saying: “Is this trip necessary?” Keep it in mind and decide if you need to waste fuel on an errand or visit that could be reached without burning a single gasoline molecule.