IMPORTANCE OF THIS LEVY ISSUE 3 From the Macedonia Police Department

From the Macedonia Police Department’s Facebook Page

Over the next few weeks the Police Dept will have information posted on this Facebook page to explain and/or clarify issues regarding the upcoming levy, Issue 3. Some may ask why post here since its not police related. My response is yes it is. The administration and some on council have tried to explain the extreme need for funds this City has. Millions and millions of dollars worth of improvements but no money to pay for those improvements. Lack of funding affects each and every department.

What a contradiction! Here’s a picture of a sign Rita (Darrow) Jackson erected in town. She is one of Sylvia Hannekens clique that opposes the levy. There are several things of interest here. Look at the road in front of the truck. The berm is shot and two big pot holes! I don’t think anyone would argue our roads are terrible. We have $20 million worth of road repairs yet no money to fix them. Second, Ms Hanneken is in favor of increasing the tax to 2%. She has said so many times. So how can her group advocate no new taxes? Which is it then, no new taxes or only Ms Hannekens tax plan which costs Macedonia residents the same as the one on the ballot – what you pay now you will pay if the levy passes. The only difference is people who work in Macedonia and live in another town would pay an additional .25% under the levy.

Passing Issue 3 will fix roads and maintain City parks and the Rec Center. It will NOT mean any additional building(s) and or pool at the Rec Center. It will only maintain.

The levy affects only payroll. Those on social security or other retirement income are not affected.

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