Introducing the Magic Massage Ball System


Introducing the Magic Massage Ball system! Are you looking for a Quick and Easy fix to your lower back pain? Dr. James D. Krystosik is a Chiropractor and North-East Ohio’s leading expert for holistic and natural medicine for 30 years now! He is here to deliver his years of experience to give you your pain-free life back! “Dr. J’s” system is proven to work, just ask thousands of his patients he has already helped! This system is so easy, you can do it at your desk, riding on a bus, or even on a hike in the woods! Roll away your “trigger point” pain Quick and Easy! 

Today, the biggest cause of low back pain is not from lifting heavy objects–it’s inactivity from sitting in a chair for too long. Sound familiar? Millions of Americans are now stuck in a chair for 8 hours or more a day! Lucky for you, the Magic Massage ball system is here to help. 

What if I told you you can fix all of your back issues from your own desk at work, the same place where your issues probably started? With our system, you receive two specific sized massage balls, a book to guide you step by step, a proven anti-inflammatory diet, supplement guides and two ancient Chinese therapies your Dr. won’t tell you about. This instructional manual can help eliminate neck, shoulder, knee pain and more! The Magic Massage ball system is shifting the way we are treating back pain from drugs and surgery to a safe and clinically proven drug free alternative that is fast, easy, and can be done from anywhere! This introductory offer valued at $189 can be yours for just $67 for a limited time only! The price will be going up soon. Do NOT miss this!

Why wait to feel great? A value like this won’t last, supplies are LIMITED. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @TheOtherSideOfMedicine for updates, information, and more! Or visit us at, 1-(800)-716-6757. Keep an eye out for the Magic Massage Ball, available June 21st! Here’s to your health.