Jabbering With Julie – Lots of Local News and Information 4-24-22

Mulch Madness Fundraiser Mulch Madness is Happening Now! We still have spots available for the community to purchase mulch, have the athletes spread it and help the Boosters raise money for our student athletes. https://nordoniahills.news/mulch-madness-is-happening-now/

Nordonia High School Sending Candidate to Buckeye Girls State https://nordoniahills.news/nordonia-high-school-sending-candidate-to-buckeye-girls-state/

Nordonia Junior, Ian Potter, was 1 of 7 students from the Akron area chosen by the Rotary International to receive a $30,000 scholarship to study abroad next school year. He will be spending his senior year studying in Germany.

City of Macedonia Council has called a voluntary public hearing for Thursday, April 28, 2022 to discuss the purchase of land by the city. The meeting will be held at 7:15 PM in council chambers, preceding the council meeting.

Council invites Macedonia residents to share their thoughts on the potential purchase of the land, which is situated on the corner of Valley View and Park Avenue. The objective of the purchase would be to allow the city to possibly further the development of the area into a “downtown”-like retail area.

The ordinance for the purchase, which is currently in its first reading, is below. If you cannot attend this public hearing but would like to share your thoughts, please send an email to the council clerk Jon Hoover at jhoover@macedonia.oh.us

Soon this will be the site of a local dentist office in Northfield Center.

It sure looks like a Wendy’s is moving into Boston Heights next to Cost Co!

Video from Channel 19 – Police chase through Macedonia




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