Jabbering With Julie Online 6-19-2020 – Winging It With Teresa’s Pizza (VIDEO

Teresa’s Pizza is located in Sagamore Hills
520 W Aurora Road
Sagamore Hills, OH 44067
(330) 468-8900
Here is one of the owners: Steve St. Andrassy. He is very involved in the area and his wife Julie is so sweet! Give them a visit and pick up some food!
Here is the run down of the show:
  • Today I shared a video from the Rotary Meeting this week. We had a great Speaker, Katie Spotz!  You may have heard of her. In 2010, she Solo Rowed across the Atlantic Ocean it took her 70 days 5 hours 22 minutes. https://nordoniahills.news/nordonia-rotary-regular-meetingtuesday-june-16th-2020-video/
  • Anyone interested in rotary can join our Rotary zoom meetings every Tuesday at noon. I can send you the zoom link! If you would like to do good things in the area with good people, consider joining.
  • From John Cassmer: “It’s been a while but we will have our first monthly meeting of the Longwood Manor Historical Society Tuesday June 23rd at 6:30 pm. Please come to see the flowers the Nordonia Hills Garden Club planted and discuss plans for the future. Two members of the Fierce Paranormal Society plan to attend to discuss ghost hunts with us.” John Cassmer, President, Longwood Manor Historical Society Cell 216-570-6211, home 330-467-1704
  • I was on the very first media tour at the MGM Northfield Park Racino yesterday.  They have made lot of changes. https://nordoniahills.news/mgm-northfield-park-racino-reopening-tour-video-and-photos/
  • Don Basch jewelers is looking to build a new building behind the first watch plaza. They met with the planning commission this week.
  • In Northfield Village, there is now a baseball field at Smith Park. There has not been a game on that field in 10 years. Jim from NHAA played on that field when he was young. Jim worked with Mayor Jesse Nehez, and nv council – especially council president Nick Magistrelli to make it happen.
  • And More!


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