Jennie’s Gems: Looking for a foster for a momma and her 3 kittens

Looking for a foster for a momma and her 3 kittens. They want out of their cage and a room to run in! Took me 24 hours, but I finally got the mom! ALWAYS get the mom and the kittens, not just the kittens. We ALL know why! Of course, the dad too!

This is part of the ongoing rescue I am doing on Heights Avenue in Northfield. Even though other humans are making it difficult, I persist for the sake of the cats! (PS I moved some stuff temporarily out of the cage to TRY and get a picture!) Food and supplies provided. Just need one room in your home!

Laurene Neval

Jennie’s Gems

Adopt from your own backyard

Or Rescuer-Never use a breeder


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