Judgement House 2019 by Deserea Reville

By Deserea Reville

While sitting in church a few weeks ago, Pastor Jeff Schofield, of Hope Community Church, was talking about the time people take planning a vacation. He discussed how many people spend MONTHS (or longer) preparing for vacation, doing all the research and planning for accommodations, transportation, sights to see, food to eat, parks to hop, and on and on and on… and that’s just for a week or two of vacation (I know I probably daydream about all the vacations I want to take even longer than the time actually planning them)! But then he said it… “how long do people actually spend thinking about, and more importantly PREPARING for, eternity?” WOW! That impacted me significantly, I had never thought about it like that! If you’re a spiritual person, then you believe that everyone spends eternity SOMEWHERE… that’s essentially what life is all about, right? Figuring it out here, so we can get there (aka – Heaven)! With over 7 billion people on Earth, more than 80% identify themselves with a religious group; the top three being Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. So, I wonder how many people really take the time to think about (and most importantly, prepare for) eternity? If you never have, and even if you have – there’s an incredible opportunity for you coming up soon.

Hope Community Church in Hudson, Ohio puts on a free weekend event every other year to give the people in our community an impactful opportunity to ponder the most important question in our life. The event is called Judgement House and it’s a live walk-through drama that tells a story of families and teens who have been rocked by tragedy. The consequences are revealed as they enter their final destination. This is not a haunted house and the goal is surely not to scare people into heaven! The heart of this event is to give people the opportunity to take a few minutes out of their day/week/month/life to pause and think seriously about eternity. Death is a part of life and although most of us expect to live a full life, we cannot deny that any moment could be our last, that’s one of the things that makes life so precious, right? The Judgement House is a significant opportunity for us to take time out of our busy and often distracted lives, to think about the things that really matter – after all, everybody will spend eternity somewhere.

So, if you’ve never really thought about eternity, this event is for YOU and can prompt a conversation and reflection about the biggest question of your life! If you have thought about your eternity, this event is for YOU and will help continue and strengthen your path along the way. Judgement House is recommended for everyone ages 10 and up, and is hosted by Hope Community Church at 3033 Middleton Rd. Hudson, Ohio 44236 on:

Friday, Oct. 25 | 7p – 11p
Saturday, Oct. 26 | 3p – 11p
Sunday, Oct. 27 | 1:30p – 8:30p

For more information, or to register, you can visit Hope Community Church online at www.hopecma.com/JH


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