Just For The Ladies: Got New Year’s Resolutions?: How To Actually Achieve Your Goals According To Science


It’s officially 2021. A new year has started, and we all need a change. Many of us have difficulty achieving our  New Year’s goals. In this month’s column, I thought I would break down ways to achieve your goals using proven scientific methods you can use to start your year off right. I will be giving insight on creating Smart Goals, the Forward Momentum Technique, Tiered Goals, Warren Buffett’s  2 List Strategy, and using real-life examples. 

S.M.A.R.T. Goals 

SMART is an acronym for Specific(What do I want to do?), Meaningful(Does it mean something to me?), Adaptive(Does it bring my life in a good direction?) Realistic(Can I do this?), and Time(When will I accomplish this goal?) Let’s use losing weight as an example. 

Goal: Losing weight 

Specific: I want to lose 40 lbs 

Meaningful: If I lose weight, I will be able to keep up with my kids

Adaptive: Losing weight will enhance my health and relationships with my children 

Realistic: If I diet and exercise daily I can achieve this goal 

Time: I want to lose 40lbs by the end of the year 


Forward Momentum 

There are 7 steps to practicing forward momentum with each goal. This technique goes hand in hand with S.M.A.R.T. Goals and will actually enhance results. The steps are:

  • Write down every stage in your in order the steps in order of importance 
  • Write down all obstacles you will come face trying to reach your goal and how you will overcome them 
  • Write down everything you need to know for the first step. You need to include everything you will need and knowledge you lack for the first step.
  • Take the first step.
  • Review progress and setbacks as you go. Add steps to enhance your success 
  • Keep Going 


Goal: Weight Loss

                              Step 1

  • I need to buy groceries.
  • I need to buy workout equipment.
  • I need to buy workout clothing 
  • I need to buy a journal to keep up with my weight loss
  • I need to buy a scale 


                              Step 2

  I may be tired, stressed, and run out of food, but If I take daily vitamins, get rest, and manage my finances, I will accomplish my goal. 

                              Step 3

I need to set aside money for groceries and know exactly what to buy. 


                    Take Steps 4, 5, and 6


        How To Manage A Group of Goals


The Tiered Goal system and Warren Buffett’s  2 List System are great ways to organize your goal listicle. The Tiered goal system requires organizing your goals annually quarterly and monthly. 


Annual Goal: See the doctor 

Quarterly goal: Have a girl’s night/trip 

Monthly goal: Eat in more 


Warren Buffet’s 2 List Rule requires writing down all of your goals. Choosing the top 5 most important goals and working on those goals first. 


I hope these scientific proven keys to success help you reach your goals! Until next timeÂ