Kathy’s memories of Longwood Farm: Move in day

Photo: View of Longwood Manor looking south (source: Longwood Manor Historical Society National Park Service).

Editor’s note: This is a new section in NordoniaHills.News. Kathy Pallaise lived with her family on the Longwood Farm. They lived in a cottage that was directly behind the Longwood Manor. The cottage is not there now. Her family took care of the farm and all of the animals. She will be writing about her experience living there. This is the first in the series.


By Kathy Pallaise

It was the day we moved into the cottage, I didn’t see it before that. I was almost 14. I was so excited. Mayor Long met us at the cottage with Mr. Tedrick (the previous caretaker). I remember going into the cottage and picking out my bedroom, it was next to the sun porch. I wanted the sun porch to be my room but my mom said no. I was so excited to be living there. My sister and her husband and kids lived there too, for a while. I could not believe how much land was there. I had to explore the woods. Mr. Long and Mr. Tedrick were so nice. The Mayor took me into the Manor and showed me around. I was so Excited. The library was my favorite room. From that day forward the Manor and the farm itself was my home and always will be.

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