Letter to the Editor: A view from the ice cream man

By Mark Negrelli

Hello I am a local ice cream man from a locally owned business in Twinsburg I have been serving multiple communities for 8 years! We do our best to ensure the safety of everybody at our trucks, from lighted signs and markings on our trucks to blasting the horn and telling children when it is safe to cross! It deeply concerns me about the article posted entitled beware of ice cream trucks! Click here to read the article. Here are the facts: the suspicious ice cream man and the one having relations in there truck are from company’s that have been closed for over a year.

The driver who was quoted to be drunk hasn’t had a drop in over 30 years and is a Vietnam special forces veteran. He is from Cleveland and doesn’t know our area very well and is still getting the hang of it. He has only been driving a truck for 2 months. The first time he was found he was asked to leave and Mr. Buescher was extremely rude saying “you know where you’re at” and telling him to leave (which is fine). He left and that was that. Last week he was driving around and was chased down and blocked in by Mr Buescher he preceded to call the vendor a gypsy, threaten him and chased him to Macedonia Walmart, tailgating and running red lights to catch up. Last time I checked because you are a trustee that does not make you a police officer! I believe our driver when he says Buescher was rude and shouting because he’s done it to me 2 times. Once when I first started, I also didn’t know the rules. I was just driving around. And then again about 5 years ago while I was at a private party in the wicks neighborhood, he blocked me in and threatened to have the book thrown at me and I told him I was at a private event and he needed to leave or I would have him arrested for harassment. He left when I said that realizing that he was wrong as you DO NOT NEED a permit to do a private event anywhere. Only the state of Ohio food vendor’s license is required. (which every one of our trucks have). I stayed out and won’t go back and I warn everybody else about him!

He made it extremely hard to obtain a permit in the township and he ruined me coming, because of his attitude. I work hard and so do all our other drivers. We are outside all day when it’s 90+ outside just to make a child smile. We also have FBI and BCI background checks done on us yearly to prevent bad things and people from happening! We even get searched by sting sniffing dogs from time to time to prevent the sale of drugs generally they find nothing because there’s nothing to find but there are a few bad apples out there and they ruin it for everybody.

We go to all types of events at the schools, daycare centers, corporate events, private events, hospitals, senior living centers, adult day cares, and assisted living facilities. With all of those events we have no need to scam anybody and our prices are clearly posted on every item. I urge you to send your children to the truck before it’s a thing of the past like the milk man, bread man, and other similar services! Pretty soon google will be driving mobile vending machines down the street and there will be no human interaction! I’m sure you remember the ice cream man whether it was the good humor man or uncle Marty. We have been around over 50 years and hopefully another 50 years or more to come! What would life be like without the ice cream man? Well go to Northfield center and you will know! Maybe somebody needs to buy Mr. Buescher an ice cream cone. Perhaps his parents never let him have ice cream from the truck and that’s where his vendetta against the ice cream man began – who knows…?

A concerned ice cream man.

Mark Negrelli

Click here to read Paul’s article.

Click to read a related letter to the editor.

Click here to see NordoniaHills.News response.

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