Letter to the Editor From Cathy Loya Regarding Issue 20

By Cathy Loya

Macedonia residents are once again charged with the task of shaping the future of the City in which we call home.  Issue 20 is on the November 6, 2018, ballot for all City of Macedonia residents to consider.  Our City officials have given us – the residents and voters of this community – the responsibility to decide the future of our safety and service forces.  We have the opportunity to show that Macedonia residents believe in our City, and want a better place to call home for generations to come.

The City of Macedonia is a good community with good people, and we should strive to make the City of Macedonia a desirable place to live, work, and play.  For our Police, Fire, and Service Departments to continue to hire and sustain excellent candidates for full-time and part-time positions, the City of Macedonia has to look more attractive than other surrounding suburban communities.  Up-to-date technology, low employee turnover, a safe working environment, and a supportive community can be attractive reasons for any Police, Fire, and Service candidate to want to serve right here in the City of Macedonia.  Local kids who grow up in the Nordonia communities may even wish to stay and serve right here at home.  Issue 20 is an income tax proposal and will not impact all residents.  What will impact us all is the potential elimination of services should additional revenue not be secured.

Our elected officials are committed to providing an excellent future for the City of Macedonia.  As voters, now it is our time to commit to our City.

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