Letter to the Editor from Jenny Ripley In Response to Kim Griner

By Jenny Ripley

I recently read a letter to the editor on nordoniahills.news. I also worked the fish fry which Kim Griner describes in her letter to the editor (click here). I would like this to be considered as a reply to Ms. Giner’s letter.

Ms. Griner is concerned with the definition of “court-ordered community service.” Well, it is simply just that, court ordered, if the court orders it, then it is so. It is clear that Ms. Griner is not familiar with the procedure of the justice system or she would realize that community service is quite plainly anything that serves the community. I see Ms. Griner is a resident of Sagamore Hills, her name is not preceded by “judge” or followed by “J.D.” (Juris Doctor) or “Esq.” (Esquire). So, surely, she is not an authority on what is, and is not, court-ordered community service.

Ms. Griner complains that she considers Mrs. Barrett’s work to be “VOLUNTEER” work. But how is this volunteer work if Mrs. Barrett is fulfilling court-ordered community service, which Ms. Griner has already acknowledged. By definition, this work cannot be “VOLUNTEER.”

Is this the extent of Mrs. Barrett’s service? Since Ms. Griner was not the judge presiding over this case and she appears to have done little to no research on this manner, she seemingly would not be fully aware of Mrs. Barrett’s sentence.

Ms. Griner seems concerned with Mr. Barrett. I have known Mr. Barrett for quite some time. Mr. Barrett can be described as nothing more than a gentle giant. Mr. Barrett would do anything for anyone, no questions asked. As I have known him for a while, he is a stout Ohio State fanatic, just as many Northeast Ohioans. Mr. Barrett joked with the Michigan fan and sat him shortly after. I was eating with Mr. Barrett after the fish fry had finished and the man wearing the “M” came over and returned a playful joke with Mr. Barrett and they politely bid each other good night. Ms. Griner seems to once again not have the whole story.

Ms. Griner has not brought up any other examples with problems concerning court-ordered community service aside from Mrs. Barrett which suggests that maybe her problem is not at all with the courts, but rather a personal one with Mrs. Barrett under a guise of her taking issue with the courts.

Ms. Griner, no fish was thrown away, the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe (not St. Guadalupe) fed those who helped run the fish fry and workers were welcome to take leftovers home to avoid wasting any of the food.

It is upsetting to me that someone would personally attack a fellow parishioner of mine with such carelessness in a public forum. The church welcomes all and has always welcomed all people. I hope I have the privilege of working alongside of Mrs. Barrett in the future.

I would suggest Ms. Griner do a little more fact-checking and proofreading in the future. If she would like to reform the use of court-ordered community service, she is welcome to enter an election race in the future.


Jenny Ripley

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