Letter to the Editor: From Kim Griner “I am a private citizen, in my opinion, am being attacked as if I am a candidate.”

The information Opposing Issue 23 is a matter of public record from Official Sagamore Meeting Minutes and reports generated by the Fire District Fiscal Officer who was recently arrested for Theft In Office..

I represent the people who are not in favor of the Fire Levy and who are afraid to speak out in fear of retaliation.  It has recently come to my attention that Attorney Jeff Snell has sent a “threatening” demand letter to my Work Email that was intercepted by my Company which may potentially put my 30 year Career in Jeopardy.  What right did Jeff Snell, Township Attorney for Sagamore Hills Township, have to contact my place of employment?  There are other documented Incidents with the appearance of Intimidation and Harassment which have been reported to Authorities outside of Sagamore Hills jurisdiction.

I am a private citizen, in my opinion, am being attacked as if I am a candidate.

Be advised,  the Trustees of Sagamore Hills Township have put more time into pursuing, in my opinion,  the public persecution of a private citizen, who has the right to speak, as opposed to pursuing the prosecution of a Public Employee of the Fire District, for unauthorized use of the Fire District Credit Card, which the Sagamore Hills Trustees failed to report to the authorities.  This attempt to attack me publically will not deflect the fact that they ignored their own checks and balances when it came to the Fire District Fiscal Officer.  Even though Mr. DePasquale “Does not recall ever signing a check for a District Credit Card”  It was his job to sign off on all requisitions over $400 and compare them to the bills he approved for payment and be accountable for the checks he signed.  He seems to spend more time reading the information opposing issue 23 than he did protecting our tax dollars!

The Residents of Sagamore Hills were told that contracting with Macedonia would save money when we are clearly paying more! The Sagamore Trustees have created this atmosphere of mistrust amongst many of the Residents by ripping away our Dispatchers and then our Fire Department. We believed in and Financially supported as a Community the Vision of our Trusted Leaders Rosemary Snell  and Richard Barrett created for the Residents of Sagamore Hills.  We have a right to fight for what we have left. If we wanted Macedonia Services, we would live there! We have a right to standup and say NO !

This is my response to the phone call from the Newsleader stating that the Trustees filed something on me, a private citizen, with the board of elections.

Kim Griner

Sagamore Hills Resident

Submit your letter to the editor to julied@nordoniahills.news

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