Letter to the Editor – from Lee Eaton Students: The Deadly Iditarod Trail


By Audrey

The Deadly Iditarod Trail

Sled dogs in Alaska usually work on the Deadly Iditarod trail. During this race, these dogs can endure brutal cold, wind, snow, and ice. A sled dog is a dog that is used to pull a sled hence the name. Many people, including myself, think this practice is wrong. The trail is too dangerous for anyone to go on and yet they make animals run.
Dogs should not have to suffer for a race. The Sled Dog Action Coalition says: “In almost all of the Iditarod races, at least one dog death has occurred. The first race is reported to have resulted in the deaths of 15 to 19 dogs” Dogs do not need to be beaten, tortured, and put in freezing weather, all for a race. Dogs are chained up when not running and only let off the leash to run and train. These dogs are not able to get off the leash and be a normal dog. No dog would voluntarily pick this life.

The temperature can get below the 20 degree mark on the Iditarod Trail, which means dogs can freeze and get sick and/or die. “…Generally speaking, dogs will be okay until the temperature drops to below 45°F. At that point, they may start to “feel” cold (and might seek out shelter or a way to stay warm)”. If the dog gets too cold it could develop hypothermia. If the dog’s temperature continues to fall, the muscles stiffen, the breathing and heart rates slow, and he/she could potentially die. The dogs can not just go inside and get warm, they have to stay outside while the mushers go inside and warm up. Since the dogs cannot go inside, they can develop hypothermia and frostbite. If the dogs don’t get help, they could die from hypothermia.

The dogs can get hurt from running for so long on the trail. Dogs can get many injuries from running on the trail, some of which are worse than others. Some examples of small injuries that can happen on the trail are small cuts and bruises from rocks. Some worse injuries include lung damage, stomach erosions, and ulcers. “The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine reported that more than 80 percent of the dogs who finish the Iditarod Sustain persistent lung damage”.

Dogs should not be forced to run on the Deadly Iditarod trail. Dogs suffer in a race for no reason. It is not healthy for dogs to be out in the bitter cold. They sustain injuries, such as stomach erosions or ulcers. They can get sick and die. Do we really want to support people who do this to our four-legged friends? Please don’t support these people by not giving them money or even watching the race.