Letter to the Editor: Issue 20 Follow-up from Sylvia Hanneken

A number of comments on the proposed Macedonia income tax increase levy by its supporters are basically name calling (folks who oppose the levy are “liars” or worse).  I don’t think many folks are persuaded by such jejune commentary.  Since Kevin Bilkie has made an issue of this matter (see his letter to the editor here), let me put this in perspective for your readers. Kevin Bilkie and I were asked by NordoniaHills.News to debate the Macedonia income tax increase proposed on the November ballot on a podcast they would air so that the voters could hear the facts and weigh the arguments pro and con. Both Kevin and I agreed to do that, but Kevin Bilkie backed out and canceled his appearance. Kevin apparently has less confidence in his pro-levy case than when he has to debate a knowledgeable opponent. I have made strong, fact based arguments against this levy and stand ready at any time to debate the issue and present the compelling arguments for Macedonia voters to Vote NO on the Issue 20 levy.

Sylvia Hanneken

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