Letter to the Editor – Macedonia Income Tax Increase Issue 20 – From Sylvia Hanneken

By Sylvia Hanneken

The City of Macedonia leaders have once again announced that our community is in a fiscal crisis and they want more money from our taxpayers (Issue 20 on the Nov 6 ballot). The following facts persuade me that these claims are bogus and residents should vote NO on Issue 20:

Macedonia has already realized major additional revenue this year:

  • Macedonia 2018 income year to date income tax revenue is already $1.028 Million higher this year than last year. This is due to the Macedonia city income tax increase passed in May 2017.   Be aware that last year’s income tax increase revenue is NOT restricted to expenditures on roads and the recreation center as has been alleged by some of the levy supporters.  The city can and should appropriately prioritize revenues to support our Safety Forces.
  • Macedonia “local” revenue for storm water projects is now $225,000 annually. This additional annual revenue is supplemented by Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) regional projects that have provided over $380,000 for repair of the Macedonia Sioux Lane culvert.

The City of Macedonia paid off its two major construction loans totaling $1.1 Million annually at the end of 2016.  This freed up Macedonia revenue to be redirected to other annual expenditures.

The City of Macedonia is not poor and its income tax rate is already higher than comparable cities in Summit CountyMacedonia is in the top 13% of wealthiest cities in the State of Ohio in median household income.  The median income tax for the top 20% Ohio cities in household income is only 1.7% with 100% credit.

Given these facts, it is clear that Macedonia leaders need to get their fiscal house in order before they ask for more taxes from our residents.  The City of

Macedonia does not need additional revenue to provide services to its residents.  It needs strong fiscal management, not excuses or more tax increase levies.

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