Letter to the Editor From Melinda Kainec

I don’t usually involve myself in opinionated discussions. Largely because I feel that it’s everyone’s prerogative to have their own beliefs and I really have no interest in trying to be “right”.

This one hurts my heart enough to share.

In lieu of all of the overdoses and the effects that OD’s, and drugs have had on our community and the people in it I just want to say that I feel it’s incredibly important that we consider the way we talk about people with drug addictions and overdoses.

I understand it may be confusing and “annoying” that this is constantly going on. But that doesn’t give others the right to shame a person for a disorder (referring to substance abuse disorder).  Isn’t it time that we stop pushing ourselves away from people who struggle and separating them from society.  And time to treating all people suffering equally?  Are we as a community still shaming those with drug addictions, really?

Ohio is one of the leading states in the amount of drug overdoses.  Its not a pleasant thing to look at, but its reality. Reality also is, we each have a chance to be a part of the solution. A solution of education, compassion and support. This “sad” thinking is so outdated and not necessary.  It also does not serve a community that has been, and continues to be as afflicted with as many drug and addict related occurrences as Nordonia Hills.  And unfortunately, over the multitude of social media platforms that this post was shared, the overwhelming response of “disgust”, shame and anger towards addicts is unnerving. 

I urge anyone who is involved with a situation, conversation, or on a social media or media platform to look at your comments about addicts and those who suffer from substance use disorders. We have a choice to stop acting like victims to people that are different or struggling, to stop shaming the presence of addicts, to stop taking their disorder(s) personally, and to stop shoving this issue around like it’s an “inconvenience”.  These are peoples lives and they deserve the same amount of respect, compassion and dignity as anyone else who struggles through life.

It’s time to work towards a solution if we expect this to go away and want our community to be different.

Get educated and get real. 

Vic’s Corner: DRUG OVERDOSE AT SCOREBOARDS https://nordoniahills.news/vics-corner-drug-overdose-at-scoreboards/

Melinda Kainec
Northfield Resident 

Interested in submitting a letter to the editor? Send info to juliedaloiso@gmail.com

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