Letter to the Editor: 2020 Presidential Election

Ohio’s primary election was last week, and while it was unconventional, Democratic turnout outpaced Republican turnout for the first time in 12 years. Across the state, from Democratic strongholds to deep-red holdouts, Democrats made sure to vote– 25 percent more Democrats voted than Republicans.

This means that Democrats are fired up, and that we’re in the best position to turn Ohio blue since 2008.

Not only that, but according to two recent polls, Biden is ahead of Trump in Ohio. Trump’s approval rating is dropping because of his disastrous handling of the coronavirus crisis and his confusing, unfocused debriefings.

According to the Baldwin Wallace University poll, Biden is leading Trump in Ohio, and an NBC/Marist poll found that Biden is ahead of Trump 49 to 45 percent.

Trump knows he’s underwater here as well, because he’s planning on visiting “soon,” and by spending time, money and resources here he’s showing he knows Ohio won’t be an easy win.

In the primary, several Democratic winners received more votes than their Republican counterparts in their districts, showing that down ballot races won’t be easy wins for Republicans, either.

Now is not the time to count Ohio out, but push forward to ensure that Democrats win. Ohio is in play in 2020.

Melissa Hunter

Send your letter to the editor to juliedaloiso@gmail.com

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