Local Nordonia Alumni Create The Fast Paced, Tip of the Tongue Word Game!

The Novak Gaming Co. was created with one goal in mind; “Bring back family fun!” Growing up, our family has always been a gaming family. Our mom, who has been in a wheelchair for over 33 years, was in a devastating car accident, with her being the only one injured. Our family has been through a lot, but family game night is what kept friends and family close. Every weekend, we would have friends and family gather at our house to play board games all night long. It became a tradition that stuck, and allowed friendships to grow.

Goes Both Ways was created out of a game our mom hosted in various chat rooms for weekly game night. It was a huge hit, so she came to me to bring her vision to life.

We created Goes Both Ways to take some of the stresses off of her, and provide an amazing experience for many, as we create entertaining games for gamers like you!

Goes Both Ways is a puzzle word game, where you have to find the missing word. You are provided two words that go before and after the “missing” word, which are your clues to the answer. Some are easier than others. Players are awarded tokens to place on the board with various values from 0-100 points. Once the board is filled, the Rapid Fire Battle begins.

Rapid Fire Battle utilizes the middle word on the hex cards. With this “middle” word, players will select an opponent to quickly create word combinations that go before and after the “middle” word, to make a completed puzzle. The opponent will do the same. When someone cannot come up with a combination before their time is up, a Rapid Fire Battle card is awarded to the winner. This card can add bonus points to your end game total, replace or remove opponents’ tokens on the board, or be a hazard to yourself. You never know, as this game Goes Both Ways.

The game ends when the last Rapid Fire Battle card is awarded. Points are totaled, and the winner is the player or team with the most points.

That is how you play Goes Both Ways. The Fast Paced, Tip of the Tongue Word Game! You never know what may happen next.

The Novak Gaming Co. is trying to raise $15,000 via Kickstarter to bring Goes Both Ways to market.

Website: www.GoesBothWaysGame.com

Kickstarter Page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/goesbothways/goes-both-ways

The Novak Gaming Co was founded by Tyler Novak. He is a Nordonia alumni (2010) and Graduated from The University of Akron with a MA in Security Studies, BA in Political Science, and Minors in Homeland Security and Business.

Conner Novak is the Chief Financial Officer and brother of Tyler Novak. He is a Nordonia Alumni (2017) and currently a student at Notre Dame College. He is studying Finance and a current Bowler for Notre Dame.

Nancy Novak is a fellow alumni from Nordonia (1980) She is the brain behind the game which inspired The Novak Gaming Co. LLC to be formed. Nancy has been paralyzed for over 33 years and is an avid artist.

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